I ran into something really strange, a loop without while

This is my function, and the game_lexicon is a dict from a different file,  Not sure why it is looping.  It will make the tuple list, run all the stuff, and then start over asking for a user input. It runs a second time, overwrites previous info and then shuts down.

I'll update when I figure out what the hell happened.  I didn't think a loop was possible without a 'while'

The error was in my game_lexicon import.  I had the same scan function running in that file, so it was running twice.  There was no loop.

from lexicon import game_lexicon

def scan(some_dict):
tuple_list = []
user_input = input(" give me a sentence...>")
user_words = user_input.split()
print("input not tested.")

for word in user_words:
key = word
success =False
int(word) == word
#print(f"the integer {word} is accepted.")
tuple_list.append(('number', word))
success = True
except ValueError:
for key in some_dict:
val = some_dict.get(key)
if word in val:
#print(f"word {word} FOUND!")
#print(f"{word} was found in {key} list")
tuple_list.append((key, word))
success = True
print(f"word not found in {key}")
# i need a way to create tuples of errors that are not found in the lexicon
if not success:
tuple_list.append(('error', word))
print("This word added to tuple list.")



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