linking a css file in your flask python app
It took me a while sifting through stack overflow to find an answer that explained what you needed to make the css code work. so, the static file, put the css code in there.... then this bit goes in your html <link> in your top header :: < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "{{url_for('static', filename = 'styles /style.css')}}" > I guess I wasn't getting what the code did or what was code and what was instructions. the href that is up there is the one I have typed in to make my code work. It's not instructional, it's the raw code. url_for is a method. It needs 'static' as an arg, and the filename = 'mystyles/style.css' as a variable declaration to run. So if your trying this out, the html code needs that link in it's beginning header, I put mine after the title....