java number guessing game

Ok, I wanted to modify this from the lesson in the book.  Took me a while to get it to run right.  Little lesson I learned....  Maximize your code screen so that the little {} doesn't hide on you offscreen.

I added code so the game will ask if you want to play again,  and as simple as that seems, it took me a while to make it all run right.

After reviewing the program again, I realized that if you tell it no, after play again, or anything other then Y, y,  it will still prompt for your number guess before it shuts down. I tried putting the line
(myGuess = promptForInt("Pick a number between 0 - 100"); at the beginning of the while loop, but that messed up to.   Will make another post when I figure out how to fix it.

package nellie.tobey.guessmynumber;
import nellie.tobey.mywindow.MyWindow;
import java.util.Random;
public class GuessMyNumber extends MyWindow {
 public GuessMyNumber() {
  String s = input();
  int guessCount = 1;
  Random rand = new Random();
  int myGuess = promptForInt("Pick a number between 0 - 100");
  int myNumber = rand.nextInt(101);

 while (s.startsWith("y") || s.startsWith("Y")) {

  if((myGuess < myNumber) && (myGuess != myNumber)) {
   myGuess = promptForInt("Your guess is low, try again:");
         guessCount += 1;
  else if ((myGuess > myNumber) && (myGuess != myNumber)) {
   myGuess = promptForInt("Your guess is high, try again:");
   guessCount += 1 ;

 else {
        print("You win");
        print("number of guesses " + guessCount);
        s = promptForString("Play again?");
        myGuess = promptForInt("Pick a number between 0 - 100");
        myNumber = rand.nextInt(101);
        guessCount = 1;}

 /* this code was part of the 'My window' class.
  * protected promptForInt(String prompt) {
  int i = 0;
  String s = input();
  try {
   i = Integer.parseInt(s);
  catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   print(s + " is not a valid number. Try again.");
   i = promptForInt(prompt);
  return i;}
  //this code is part of the 'My Window' class.            
 //protected String promptForString(String prompt) {
 //String s = input();
 //return s;}
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new GuessMyNumber();


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