guess my word not working

I know I have things wrong.  It runs, but not how I want it to,
first error:
the first random word it picks is 'said'  every time.  That's not random.
second error:
It doesn't restart the game cleanly.  Things print I don't want it to.
third error:
It doesn't pick a new random word until the third play through. First two words are said.
fourth error:
It doesn't close properly when you tell it that you do not want to repeat.

I'll post a corrected version when I figure it out.  Once again the cheat it the back is almost completely useless.  Learning the hard way.  Hurray.

package nellie.tobey.wordmastermind;
import java.util.Random;
import nellie.tobey.mystringmethods.MyStringMethods;
import nellie.tobey.mywindow.MyWindow;
public class WordMastermind extends MyWindow {
 private String word;
 private String clue;
 private static final int numberOfWords = 342;
 private static final String filename = "wordMastermind.txt";

 public WordMastermind() {
  String words[] = new String[numberOfWords]; 
  Random rand = new Random(numberOfWords);
  try {
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename)));
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++) {
   words[i] = in.readLine();
  boolean repeat = true;
  while(repeat) {
  int pick = rand.nextInt(numberOfWords);
  word = words[pick];
  word = word.toUpperCase();
  clue = "----";

  String originalWord = word;
  print(" Guess my 4 letter word.");
  print(" the \"X\" means a correct letter in the wrong place.");
  print(" the \"O\" means a correct letter in the correct place.");
  String guess= promptForString("Guess my four letter word:");
  guess = guess.toUpperCase();
  boolean solved = false;
  int guesscount = 1;
  while (!solved) {
   if(guess.length() == 4) {
   word = originalWord;
   clue = "----";
   if(guess.equals(originalWord)) {
   solved = true;
   print("number of guesses = " + guesscount);
   repeat = promptForYesNo("");
   pick = rand.nextInt(numberOfWords);
   word = words[pick];
   word = word.toUpperCase();
   word = originalWord;
   clue = "----";
   if(guess.length()> 4) {
    guess = promptForString("Your guess must have 4 letters.");
    guess = guess.toUpperCase();
   else {
   guess = promptForString(clue);
   guess = guess.toUpperCase();
   guesscount = guesscount += 1;

   catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
    print("Could not find file " + filename);
   catch(IOException e) {
    print("Can not read file " + filename);


 private void findRightPlacedLetters(String guess) {
  for(int i = 0; i < guess.length(); i++) {
   String guessLetter = guess.substring(i, i+1);
   String wordLetter = word.substring(i, i+1);
   if(guessLetter.equals(wordLetter)) {
    clue = MyStringMethods.replaceStringAt(clue, i, "O");
    word = MyStringMethods.replaceStringAt(word, i, "-");
 private void findWrongPlacedLetters(String guess) {
  for(int i = 0; i < guess.length(); i++) {
   String letter = guess.substring(i, i+1);
   int letterLoc = word.indexOf(letter);
   if (letterLoc > -1) {
    word = MyStringMethods.replaceStringAt(word, letterLoc, "-");
    String clueLetter = clue.substring(i,i+1);
   if(clueLetter.equals("-")) {
    clue = MyStringMethods.replaceStringAt(clue, i, "X");

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new WordMastermind();


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