wxWidgets and the PopOS

So me and my fellow co-conspirator in class tried to get everything set up from a seminar for linux to use the wxWidgets...  I got stuck when one of the prerequisites was not available on new linux systems and asked for her help.

There was a ton to get installed just to start the process of installing the wxWidgets.  In the end we both agreed to stick to tkinter to learn about the python GUI making process on linux.

I still have a couple things to clean up and my tkinter code will be up for the psychillogical questionnaire game.  Got really sidetracked today looking at how one might make a window strictly with python.  Looks like it would be near impossible, and extremely unwise to try.  ((this kinda makes me want to try even more.))

Dug a little bit into the pieces of tkinter... it uses TC (I can't find a link now that references the use of TC)  and TCL to do all the work... so I found a way to download some TCL source code.... Woah... nope, I don't know bumpkiss about C.  Looks like they do all the work to make the GUI happen and tkinter just manipulates them to get the results for python...  I might be mistaken on this... Forgive me if I am.  And as always feel free to comment and tell me if I am wrong.  (no comments yet on my blog, but that doesn't mean I'm right, nobody really sees this thing.) 

this pieces in my google search:
 tcl_createobjcommand example

So, soon.
Code incoming.


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