pygame color choice window with button reaction
It's a bit of code, and I have a feeling there are some massive shortcuts to the way I've done it,
I'm thinking pygame.rect.get_collide() instead of all the math and conversions I did to get the cursor location over my " + " and " - " boxes, But I can clean it all up tomorrow.
I still need to get the buttons all working in proper order {ON, NEW, OFF, COLOR}
add a sizing tool to size the circles
and saving the image may be way beyond my scope, but I'll attempt it.
I'm starting to think WxWidgets would be better for this... more menu stuff already set up to go and interact.
But seeing it through!
Update: 6-4-18
Cleaned up a lot, and made an engine to handle updates outside of the main loop.
There was a ton that got fixed.
Wanted to share the progress!
and Code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame as pg
from sys import exit
class SkullGlobals(object):
""" class container for globally used variables """
def __init__(self):
self.WIDTH = 800
self.HEIGHT = 800
self.CENTER_SCREEN_X = 0 + self.WIDTH//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_Y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_H = self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT//6
self.CENTER_SCREEN_W = self.WIDTH - self.WIDTH//6
self.background_color = (110, 100, 110)
self.BLUE = (40, 60, 200)
self.LBLUE = (100, 100, 255)
self.BORDER = (self.WIDTH + self.HEIGHT)//200
self.left_y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//100
self.left_x = 0 + self.WIDTH//100
self.right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.left_y
self.right_x = self.WIDTH - self.left_x
self.small_height = self.left_y * 5
self.small_width = self.left_x * 10
self.left_upper_y = 0 + (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.left_upper_x = 0 + (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_x = self.WIDTH - (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_y = self.HEIGHT - (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.CENTER = (self.WIDTH//2, self.HEIGHT//2)
self.FULL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//4 + self.HEIGHT//4)//2
self.SMALL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//50 + self.HEIGHT//50)//2
self.RED = (230, 50, 50)
self.GREEN = (50, 230, 50)
self.D_WHITE = (200,200,200)
self.base_color = 150
self.menu_bar_color = (90, 100, 80)
## can not do this --> self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
globals = SkullGlobals()
screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
pg.display.set_caption(('My Painter'))
animation_timer = pg.time.Clock()
class DrawSurface(object):
def __init__(self):
self.width = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_W
self.height = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_H
self.x_pos = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_X
self.y_pos = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_Y
def draw_surface(self):
w = int(self.width)
h = int(self.height)
center_screen = pg.Surface((w, h))
screen.blit(center_screen, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
def get_placement(self):
end_x = self.x_pos + self.width
end_y = self.y_pos + self.height
position_size = [self.x_pos, self.y_pos, end_x, end_y]
return position_size
class WindowRect(object):
def __init__(self, screen, pos_x, pos_y, width, height):
self.screen = screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color = (130, 160, 130)
self.thickness = globals.BORDER
def draw_rect(self):
size = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.width, self.height)
border_size = (self.pos_x - 3, self.pos_y - 3, self.width + 5, self.height + 5)
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, globals.menu_bar_color, border_size, 5 )
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, size, 0)
def get_dimensions(self):
""" return the needed dimensions for use """
end_x_pos = self.pos_x + self.width
end_y_pos = self.pos_y + self.height
rect_list_dims = [self.pos_x, self.pos_y, end_x_pos, end_y_pos]
return rect_list_dims
class ButtonXY(object):
"""Class for drawing rectangle, and getting position of rectangle"""
def __init__(self, my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, rect_width, rect_height, R, G, B, name):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.width = rect_width
self.height = rect_height
self.R = R
self.G = G
self.B = B = name
self.font = pg.font.SysFont('Arial', self.height//3)
def place_rect(self):
""" pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, (x, y, width, height), width of outline) """
thick = 5
color = (self.R, self.G, self.B)
light_color = (140, 130, 150)
size = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.width, self.height)
inner_box = (self.pos_x + 3, self.pos_y + 3, self.width - 6, self.height - 6)
center_height = self.height//4
center_width = self.width//4
text_pos_x = self.pos_x + center_width
text_pos_y = self.pos_y + center_height
#text_size = self.font.size(
# ADJUSTING center position by TEXT size will require a lot of error proofing...
pg.draw.rect(self.my_screen, color, size, 5)
pg.draw.rect(self.my_screen, light_color, inner_box, 0)
self.my_screen.blit(self.font.render(, True, (0, 0, 0)), (text_pos_x, text_pos_y))
def get_rect_place(self):
""" return the needed dimensions for button click check """
end_x_pos = self.pos_x + self.width
end_y_pos = self.pos_y + self.height
rect_list_dims = [self.pos_x, self.pos_y, end_x_pos, end_y_pos]
return rect_list_dims
class CircleXY(object):
""" Class for drawing circle to screen """
def __init__(self,my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, radius, R, G, B, speed, thickness):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.radius = radius
self.R = R
self.G = G
self.B = B
self.x_change = speed
self.y_change = speed
self.thickness = thickness
def draw_circle(self):
""" place a circle at given position with attributes given """
color = (self.R, self.G, self.B)
position = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), color, position, self.radius, self.thickness)
class DrawCircle(object):
""" Used to place a circle at given x, y, with radius, color upon use
** Speed and Thickness may be employed later """
def __init__(self, my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, radius, color, speed=None, thickness=0):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.speed = speed
self.thickness = thickness
def add_circle(self):
position = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), self.color, position, self.radius, self.thickness)
class ColorPicker(object):
Color change graphic to allow change of color of circles
Making all dimensions dependant on globals will help to scale the
whole thing later
def __init__(self):
self.width = globals.WIDTH//5
self.height = globals.HEIGHT//5
self.x_pos = globals.WIDTH - self.width - globals.BORDER
self.y_pos = globals.HEIGHT - (self.height * 2) - globals.BORDER
self.window = WindowRect(screen, self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.width, self.height)
self.font = pg.font.SysFont('Arial', self.height//5)
def start_rect(self):
""" Graphical parts of color picker rect(surface, color, size, thick)"""
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
light = (200, 200, 200)
dark = (0, 0, 0)
upper_R = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
lower_R = (diff_x, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
upper_L = (self.x_pos, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
lower_L = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
half_lower_L = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w//2, size_h)
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, upper_R, 0) #B
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, lower_R, 0) #D
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, upper_L, 0) #A
pg.draw.rect(screen, light, lower_L, 0) #C
pg.draw.rect(screen, dark, half_lower_L, 0)
def color_buttons(self):
"""Buttons to go below, left, right, above color choices
red_box = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
green_box = (diff_x, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
blue_box = (self.x_pos, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
shade_box = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
border = 2
red = (255, 0, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
grey = (75, 75, 75)
green = (0, 255, 0)
black = (0, 0, 0)
plus = " + "
plus = self.font.render(plus, True, black)
minus = " - "
minus = self.font.render(minus, True, black)
# make the boxes locations dependant on the start_rect() color boxes
green_left = (diff_x - size_w - border, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
green_down = (diff_x, self.y_pos + size_h + border, size_w, size_h)
shade_left = (diff_x - size_w - border, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
shade_up = (diff_x, diff_y - size_h - border, size_w, size_h)
red_right = (self.x_pos + size_w + border, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
red_down = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + size_h + border, size_w, size_h)
blue_up = (self.x_pos, diff_y - size_h - border, size_w, size_h)
blue_right = (self.x_pos + size_w + border, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, blue_right, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (self.x_pos + size_w, diff_y))
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, blue_up, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (self.x_pos, diff_y - size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, red_down, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, red_right, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (self.x_pos + size_w, self.y_pos))
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, green_left, 3)
#print("green_left =", green_left)
screen.blit(plus, (diff_x - size_w, self.y_pos))
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, green_down, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (diff_x, self.y_pos + size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, grey, shade_left, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (diff_x - size_w, diff_y))
pg.draw.rect(screen, grey, shade_up, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (diff_x, diff_y - size_h))
def get_button_place(self, which_button):
From the button locations defined in color_buttons()
return the coordinates needed to detect mouse click in button
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
border = 2
# Making the variables less mathy to return
# basically we need to return the (x, y, x+width, y+width)
GL_x = diff_x - size_w - border
GL_y = self.y_pos
GD_y = self.y_pos + size_h + border
BU_y = diff_y - size_h - border
BR_x = self.x_pos + size_w + border
RR_x = self.x_pos + size_w + border
RD_y = self.y_pos + size_h + border
SHL_x = diff_x - size_w - border
SHU_y = diff_y - size_h - border
green_left = (GL_x, self.y_pos, GL_x + size_w, self.y_pos + size_h)
green_down = (diff_x, GD_y, diff_x + size_w, GD_y + size_h)
shade_left = (SHL_x, diff_y, SHL_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
shade_up = (diff_x, SHU_y - border, diff_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
red_right = (RR_x, self.y_pos, RR_x + size_w, self.y_pos + size_h)
red_down = (self.x_pos, RD_y, self.x_pos + size_w, RD_y + size_h)
blue_up = (self.x_pos, BU_y, self.x_pos + size_w, BU_y + size_h)
blue_right = (BR_x, diff_y, BR_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
if which_button == "plus red":
return red_right
elif which_button == "minus red":
return red_down
elif which_button == "plus green":
#print("plus green=", green_left)
return green_left
elif which_button == "minus green":
return green_down
elif which_button == "plus shade":
return shade_up
elif which_button == "minus shade":
return shade_left
elif which_button == "plus blue":
return blue_up
elif which_button == "minus blue":
return blue_right
def run(self, R, G, B):
""" create draw the color picker window graphics """
radius = self.width//5
diff_x = self.x_pos + self.width
diff_y = self.y_pos + self.height
pos_x = (self.x_pos + diff_x)//2
pos_y = (self.y_pos + diff_y)//2
position = (pos_x, pos_y)
color = (R, G, B)
self.start_rect(), color, position, radius, 0)
class StateEngine(object):
""" Class container for running engine, screen, updates """
def __init__(self):
self.on_button = ButtonXY(screen, globals.left_x, globals.left_y, globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, "ON")
self.new_circle_button = ButtonXY(screen, globals.left_x + globals.small_width + 8, globals.left_y, globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, "NEW")
self.off_button = ButtonXY(screen, (globals.right_x - globals.small_width), (globals.right_y - globals.small_height) , globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color -100, "OFF")
self.color_button = ButtonXY(screen, (globals.right_x - globals.small_width * 2 - 8), (globals.right_y - globals.small_height), globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color, globals.base_color -100, globals.base_color - 100, "COLOR")
self.rect_list = [self.on_button, self.off_button, self.new_circle_button, self.color_button]
self.ON = CircleXY(screen, globals.left_upper_x, globals.left_upper_y, globals.SMALL_SIZE, 50, 230, 50, 1, 0)
self.OFF = CircleXY(screen, globals.right_lower_x, globals.right_lower_y, globals.SMALL_SIZE, 200, 50, 50, 1, 0)
self.object_list = [self.ON, self.OFF]
self.running = True
self.center_surface = DrawSurface()
self.drawn_circs = []
self.dsp = self.center_surface.get_placement() = []
self.new_window = ColorPicker() = 0 = 0 = 0
def screen_update(self):
pg.draw.rect(screen, globals.menu_bar_color, (0, 0, globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT//20), 0)
pg.draw.rect(screen, globals.menu_bar_color, (0, globals.HEIGHT - globals.HEIGHT//20, globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT//20), 0)
for rects in self.rect_list:
for circs in self.drawn_circs:
for window in,,
def update_buttons(self, position, on, off, new, color_pick):
for rects in self.rect_list:
cbd = rects.get_rect_place()
if cbd[0] < position[0] < cbd[2]:
if cbd[1] < position[1] < cbd[3]:
#print("IN BUTTON",
if == "ON":
on = True
off = False
if == "OFF":
off = True
on = False
color_pick = False
if len( > 0:
if == "NEW":
new = True
on = True
color_pick = False
if == 'COLOR':
on = True
new = False
color_pick = True
off = False
new_window = ColorPicker()
return on, off, new, color_pick
def update_draws(self, on, off, new, color_pick):
if on and not off:
if new and not color_pick:
radius = 20
(x, y) = pg.mouse.get_pos()
# dsp = Drawn Screen Parameters
limit_x_left = self.dsp[0] - radius
limit_x_right = self.dsp[2] - radius
limit_y_top = self.dsp[1] - radius
limit_y_bottom = self.dsp[3] - radius
if limit_x_left < x < limit_x_right:
if limit_y_top < y < limit_y_bottom:
color = (,,
circle = DrawCircle(screen, x, y, radius, color)
def check_color_picker(self, position, on, off, new, color_pick):
if on and color_pick:
if not off and not new:
(gx, gy, gdx, gdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus green")
(g2x, g2y, g2dx, g2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus green")
(bx, by, bdx, bdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus blue")
(b2x, b2y, b2dx, b2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus blue")
(rx, ry, rdx, rdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus red")
(r2x, r2y, r2dx, r2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus red")
(shx, shy, shdx, shdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus shade")
(sh2x, sh2y, sh2dx, sh2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus shade")
if gx < position[0] < gdx and gy < position[1] < gdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif g2x < position[0] < g2dx and g2y < position[1] < g2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif bx < position[0] < bdx and by < position[1] < bdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif b2x < position[0] < b2dx and b2y < position[1] < b2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif rx < position[0] < rdx and ry < position[1] < rdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif r2x < position[0] < r2dx and r2y < position[1] < r2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif shx < position[0] < shdx and shy < position[1] < shdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif sh2x < position[0] < sh2dx and sh2y < position[1] < sh2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
class DrawIt(object):
""" class container for defining pygame screen run and iteraction """
def __init__(self):
self.engine = StateEngine()
self.running = True
def run_draw(self):
on = False
off = False
new = False
color_pick = False
while self.running:
events = pg.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
self.running = False
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
position = pg.mouse.get_pos()
on, off, new, color_pick = self.engine.update_buttons(position, on, off, new, color_pick)
self.engine.update_draws(on, off, new, color_pick)
self.engine.check_color_picker(position, on, off, new, color_pick)
if on:
item = self.engine.object_list[0]
if off:
item = self.engine.object_list[1]
drawing = DrawIt()
I'm thinking pygame.rect.get_collide() instead of all the math and conversions I did to get the cursor location over my " + " and " - " boxes, But I can clean it all up tomorrow.
I still need to get the buttons all working in proper order {ON, NEW, OFF, COLOR}
add a sizing tool to size the circles
and saving the image may be way beyond my scope, but I'll attempt it.
I'm starting to think WxWidgets would be better for this... more menu stuff already set up to go and interact.
But seeing it through!
Update: 6-4-18
Cleaned up a lot, and made an engine to handle updates outside of the main loop.
There was a ton that got fixed.
Wanted to share the progress!
and Code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame as pg
from sys import exit
class SkullGlobals(object):
""" class container for globally used variables """
def __init__(self):
self.WIDTH = 800
self.HEIGHT = 800
self.CENTER_SCREEN_X = 0 + self.WIDTH//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_Y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_H = self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT//6
self.CENTER_SCREEN_W = self.WIDTH - self.WIDTH//6
self.background_color = (110, 100, 110)
self.BLUE = (40, 60, 200)
self.LBLUE = (100, 100, 255)
self.BORDER = (self.WIDTH + self.HEIGHT)//200
self.left_y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//100
self.left_x = 0 + self.WIDTH//100
self.right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.left_y
self.right_x = self.WIDTH - self.left_x
self.small_height = self.left_y * 5
self.small_width = self.left_x * 10
self.left_upper_y = 0 + (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.left_upper_x = 0 + (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_x = self.WIDTH - (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_y = self.HEIGHT - (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.CENTER = (self.WIDTH//2, self.HEIGHT//2)
self.FULL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//4 + self.HEIGHT//4)//2
self.SMALL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//50 + self.HEIGHT//50)//2
self.RED = (230, 50, 50)
self.GREEN = (50, 230, 50)
self.D_WHITE = (200,200,200)
self.base_color = 150
self.menu_bar_color = (90, 100, 80)
## can not do this --> self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
globals = SkullGlobals()
screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
pg.display.set_caption(('My Painter'))
animation_timer = pg.time.Clock()
class DrawSurface(object):
def __init__(self):
self.width = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_W
self.height = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_H
self.x_pos = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_X
self.y_pos = globals.CENTER_SCREEN_Y
def draw_surface(self):
w = int(self.width)
h = int(self.height)
center_screen = pg.Surface((w, h))
screen.blit(center_screen, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
def get_placement(self):
end_x = self.x_pos + self.width
end_y = self.y_pos + self.height
position_size = [self.x_pos, self.y_pos, end_x, end_y]
return position_size
class WindowRect(object):
def __init__(self, screen, pos_x, pos_y, width, height):
self.screen = screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color = (130, 160, 130)
self.thickness = globals.BORDER
def draw_rect(self):
size = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.width, self.height)
border_size = (self.pos_x - 3, self.pos_y - 3, self.width + 5, self.height + 5)
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, globals.menu_bar_color, border_size, 5 )
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, size, 0)
def get_dimensions(self):
""" return the needed dimensions for use """
end_x_pos = self.pos_x + self.width
end_y_pos = self.pos_y + self.height
rect_list_dims = [self.pos_x, self.pos_y, end_x_pos, end_y_pos]
return rect_list_dims
class ButtonXY(object):
"""Class for drawing rectangle, and getting position of rectangle"""
def __init__(self, my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, rect_width, rect_height, R, G, B, name):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.width = rect_width
self.height = rect_height
self.R = R
self.G = G
self.B = B = name
self.font = pg.font.SysFont('Arial', self.height//3)
def place_rect(self):
""" pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, (x, y, width, height), width of outline) """
thick = 5
color = (self.R, self.G, self.B)
light_color = (140, 130, 150)
size = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.width, self.height)
inner_box = (self.pos_x + 3, self.pos_y + 3, self.width - 6, self.height - 6)
center_height = self.height//4
center_width = self.width//4
text_pos_x = self.pos_x + center_width
text_pos_y = self.pos_y + center_height
#text_size = self.font.size(
# ADJUSTING center position by TEXT size will require a lot of error proofing...
pg.draw.rect(self.my_screen, color, size, 5)
pg.draw.rect(self.my_screen, light_color, inner_box, 0)
self.my_screen.blit(self.font.render(, True, (0, 0, 0)), (text_pos_x, text_pos_y))
def get_rect_place(self):
""" return the needed dimensions for button click check """
end_x_pos = self.pos_x + self.width
end_y_pos = self.pos_y + self.height
rect_list_dims = [self.pos_x, self.pos_y, end_x_pos, end_y_pos]
return rect_list_dims
class CircleXY(object):
""" Class for drawing circle to screen """
def __init__(self,my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, radius, R, G, B, speed, thickness):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.radius = radius
self.R = R
self.G = G
self.B = B
self.x_change = speed
self.y_change = speed
self.thickness = thickness
def draw_circle(self):
""" place a circle at given position with attributes given """
color = (self.R, self.G, self.B)
position = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), color, position, self.radius, self.thickness)
class DrawCircle(object):
""" Used to place a circle at given x, y, with radius, color upon use
** Speed and Thickness may be employed later """
def __init__(self, my_screen, pos_x, pos_y, radius, color, speed=None, thickness=0):
self.my_screen = my_screen
self.pos_x = pos_x
self.pos_y = pos_y
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.speed = speed
self.thickness = thickness
def add_circle(self):
position = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), self.color, position, self.radius, self.thickness)
class ColorPicker(object):
Color change graphic to allow change of color of circles
Making all dimensions dependant on globals will help to scale the
whole thing later
def __init__(self):
self.width = globals.WIDTH//5
self.height = globals.HEIGHT//5
self.x_pos = globals.WIDTH - self.width - globals.BORDER
self.y_pos = globals.HEIGHT - (self.height * 2) - globals.BORDER
self.window = WindowRect(screen, self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.width, self.height)
self.font = pg.font.SysFont('Arial', self.height//5)
def start_rect(self):
""" Graphical parts of color picker rect(surface, color, size, thick)"""
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
light = (200, 200, 200)
dark = (0, 0, 0)
upper_R = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
lower_R = (diff_x, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
upper_L = (self.x_pos, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
lower_L = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
half_lower_L = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w//2, size_h)
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, upper_R, 0) #B
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, lower_R, 0) #D
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, upper_L, 0) #A
pg.draw.rect(screen, light, lower_L, 0) #C
pg.draw.rect(screen, dark, half_lower_L, 0)
def color_buttons(self):
"""Buttons to go below, left, right, above color choices
red_box = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
green_box = (diff_x, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
blue_box = (self.x_pos, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
shade_box = (diff_x, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
border = 2
red = (255, 0, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
grey = (75, 75, 75)
green = (0, 255, 0)
black = (0, 0, 0)
plus = " + "
plus = self.font.render(plus, True, black)
minus = " - "
minus = self.font.render(minus, True, black)
# make the boxes locations dependant on the start_rect() color boxes
green_left = (diff_x - size_w - border, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
green_down = (diff_x, self.y_pos + size_h + border, size_w, size_h)
shade_left = (diff_x - size_w - border, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
shade_up = (diff_x, diff_y - size_h - border, size_w, size_h)
red_right = (self.x_pos + size_w + border, self.y_pos, size_w, size_h)
red_down = (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + size_h + border, size_w, size_h)
blue_up = (self.x_pos, diff_y - size_h - border, size_w, size_h)
blue_right = (self.x_pos + size_w + border, diff_y, size_w, size_h)
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, blue_right, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (self.x_pos + size_w, diff_y))
pg.draw.rect(screen, blue, blue_up, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (self.x_pos, diff_y - size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, red_down, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos + size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, red, red_right, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (self.x_pos + size_w, self.y_pos))
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, green_left, 3)
#print("green_left =", green_left)
screen.blit(plus, (diff_x - size_w, self.y_pos))
pg.draw.rect(screen, green, green_down, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (diff_x, self.y_pos + size_h))
pg.draw.rect(screen, grey, shade_left, 3)
screen.blit(minus, (diff_x - size_w, diff_y))
pg.draw.rect(screen, grey, shade_up, 3)
screen.blit(plus, (diff_x, diff_y - size_h))
def get_button_place(self, which_button):
From the button locations defined in color_buttons()
return the coordinates needed to detect mouse click in button
size_w = self.width//5
size_h = self.height//5
diff_x = (self.x_pos + self.width) - size_w
diff_y = (self.y_pos + self.height) - size_h
border = 2
# Making the variables less mathy to return
# basically we need to return the (x, y, x+width, y+width)
GL_x = diff_x - size_w - border
GL_y = self.y_pos
GD_y = self.y_pos + size_h + border
BU_y = diff_y - size_h - border
BR_x = self.x_pos + size_w + border
RR_x = self.x_pos + size_w + border
RD_y = self.y_pos + size_h + border
SHL_x = diff_x - size_w - border
SHU_y = diff_y - size_h - border
green_left = (GL_x, self.y_pos, GL_x + size_w, self.y_pos + size_h)
green_down = (diff_x, GD_y, diff_x + size_w, GD_y + size_h)
shade_left = (SHL_x, diff_y, SHL_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
shade_up = (diff_x, SHU_y - border, diff_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
red_right = (RR_x, self.y_pos, RR_x + size_w, self.y_pos + size_h)
red_down = (self.x_pos, RD_y, self.x_pos + size_w, RD_y + size_h)
blue_up = (self.x_pos, BU_y, self.x_pos + size_w, BU_y + size_h)
blue_right = (BR_x, diff_y, BR_x + size_w, diff_y + size_h)
if which_button == "plus red":
return red_right
elif which_button == "minus red":
return red_down
elif which_button == "plus green":
#print("plus green=", green_left)
return green_left
elif which_button == "minus green":
return green_down
elif which_button == "plus shade":
return shade_up
elif which_button == "minus shade":
return shade_left
elif which_button == "plus blue":
return blue_up
elif which_button == "minus blue":
return blue_right
def run(self, R, G, B):
""" create draw the color picker window graphics """
radius = self.width//5
diff_x = self.x_pos + self.width
diff_y = self.y_pos + self.height
pos_x = (self.x_pos + diff_x)//2
pos_y = (self.y_pos + diff_y)//2
position = (pos_x, pos_y)
color = (R, G, B)
self.start_rect(), color, position, radius, 0)
class StateEngine(object):
""" Class container for running engine, screen, updates """
def __init__(self):
self.on_button = ButtonXY(screen, globals.left_x, globals.left_y, globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, "ON")
self.new_circle_button = ButtonXY(screen, globals.left_x + globals.small_width + 8, globals.left_y, globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, "NEW")
self.off_button = ButtonXY(screen, (globals.right_x - globals.small_width), (globals.right_y - globals.small_height) , globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color, globals.base_color - 100, globals.base_color -100, "OFF")
self.color_button = ButtonXY(screen, (globals.right_x - globals.small_width * 2 - 8), (globals.right_y - globals.small_height), globals.small_width, globals.small_height, globals.base_color, globals.base_color -100, globals.base_color - 100, "COLOR")
self.rect_list = [self.on_button, self.off_button, self.new_circle_button, self.color_button]
self.ON = CircleXY(screen, globals.left_upper_x, globals.left_upper_y, globals.SMALL_SIZE, 50, 230, 50, 1, 0)
self.OFF = CircleXY(screen, globals.right_lower_x, globals.right_lower_y, globals.SMALL_SIZE, 200, 50, 50, 1, 0)
self.object_list = [self.ON, self.OFF]
self.running = True
self.center_surface = DrawSurface()
self.drawn_circs = []
self.dsp = self.center_surface.get_placement() = []
self.new_window = ColorPicker() = 0 = 0 = 0
def screen_update(self):
pg.draw.rect(screen, globals.menu_bar_color, (0, 0, globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT//20), 0)
pg.draw.rect(screen, globals.menu_bar_color, (0, globals.HEIGHT - globals.HEIGHT//20, globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT//20), 0)
for rects in self.rect_list:
for circs in self.drawn_circs:
for window in,,
def update_buttons(self, position, on, off, new, color_pick):
for rects in self.rect_list:
cbd = rects.get_rect_place()
if cbd[0] < position[0] < cbd[2]:
if cbd[1] < position[1] < cbd[3]:
#print("IN BUTTON",
if == "ON":
on = True
off = False
if == "OFF":
off = True
on = False
color_pick = False
if len( > 0:
if == "NEW":
new = True
on = True
color_pick = False
if == 'COLOR':
on = True
new = False
color_pick = True
off = False
new_window = ColorPicker()
return on, off, new, color_pick
def update_draws(self, on, off, new, color_pick):
if on and not off:
if new and not color_pick:
radius = 20
(x, y) = pg.mouse.get_pos()
# dsp = Drawn Screen Parameters
limit_x_left = self.dsp[0] - radius
limit_x_right = self.dsp[2] - radius
limit_y_top = self.dsp[1] - radius
limit_y_bottom = self.dsp[3] - radius
if limit_x_left < x < limit_x_right:
if limit_y_top < y < limit_y_bottom:
color = (,,
circle = DrawCircle(screen, x, y, radius, color)
def check_color_picker(self, position, on, off, new, color_pick):
if on and color_pick:
if not off and not new:
(gx, gy, gdx, gdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus green")
(g2x, g2y, g2dx, g2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus green")
(bx, by, bdx, bdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus blue")
(b2x, b2y, b2dx, b2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus blue")
(rx, ry, rdx, rdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus red")
(r2x, r2y, r2dx, r2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus red")
(shx, shy, shdx, shdy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("plus shade")
(sh2x, sh2y, sh2dx, sh2dy) = self.new_window.get_button_place("minus shade")
if gx < position[0] < gdx and gy < position[1] < gdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif g2x < position[0] < g2dx and g2y < position[1] < g2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif bx < position[0] < bdx and by < position[1] < bdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif b2x < position[0] < b2dx and b2y < position[1] < b2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif rx < position[0] < rdx and ry < position[1] < rdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif r2x < position[0] < r2dx and r2y < position[1] < r2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
elif shx < position[0] < shdx and shy < position[1] < shdy:
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
if 0 <= <= 250: += 5
elif sh2x < position[0] < sh2dx and sh2y < position[1] < sh2dy:
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
if 255 >= >= 5: -= 5
class DrawIt(object):
""" class container for defining pygame screen run and iteraction """
def __init__(self):
self.engine = StateEngine()
self.running = True
def run_draw(self):
on = False
off = False
new = False
color_pick = False
while self.running:
events = pg.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
self.running = False
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
position = pg.mouse.get_pos()
on, off, new, color_pick = self.engine.update_buttons(position, on, off, new, color_pick)
self.engine.update_draws(on, off, new, color_pick)
self.engine.check_color_picker(position, on, off, new, color_pick)
if on:
item = self.engine.object_list[0]
if off:
item = self.engine.object_list[1]
drawing = DrawIt()
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