playing with forced perspective pygame. A start.
update progress 6-15-18:
I'll get the new code into a new post when I'm done with the experiment.
I hope I explain it well, My plan is to try and incorporate some kind of 3D effect with old fashioned art known as Forced Perspective.
I definitely need some more research to how it's accomplished, I only really know of what I learned in 10th grade art class, and that was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. (This works as a reference to when Jurrasic Park came out too!)
It's slightly off center on purpose.
Here's the code: enjoy, explore, have fun!
As always, drop me a comment, improvements, critiques and hero worship are welcomed. (Or tell me some python jokes, those are fun)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame as pg
from sys import exit
from time import sleep
class SkullGlobals(object):
""" class container for globally used variables """
def __init__(self):
self.WIDTH = 800
self.HEIGHT = 800
self.CENTER_SCREEN_X = 0 + self.WIDTH//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_Y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_H = self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT//6
self.CENTER_SCREEN_W = self.WIDTH - self.WIDTH//6
self.background_color = (110, 100, 110)
self.BLUE = (40, 60, 200)
self.LBLUE = (100, 100, 255)
self.BORDER = (self.WIDTH + self.HEIGHT)//200
self.left_y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//100
self.left_x = 0 + self.WIDTH//100
self.right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.left_y
self.right_x = self.WIDTH - self.left_x
self.small_height = self.left_y * 5
self.small_width = self.left_x * 10
self.left_upper_y = 0 + (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.left_upper_x = 0 + (self.WIDTH//10)
self.left_upper_right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.BORDER
self.right_lower_x = self.WIDTH - (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_y = self.HEIGHT - (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.CENTER = (self.WIDTH//2, self.HEIGHT//2)
self.FULL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//4 + self.HEIGHT//4)//2
self.SMALL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//50 + self.HEIGHT//50)//2
self.RED = (230, 50, 50)
self.GREEN = (50, 230, 50)
self.D_WHITE = (200,200,200)
self.base_color = 150
self.menu_bar_color = (90, 100, 80)
############ background coordinates chart #########
polygon sides = P1, P2, P3, P4
|A \ [P1] // B |
| \ // |
| W---------X |
| | | |
| [P2] | | [P4] |
| Y_________Z |
| // \ |
|C // [P3] \ D |
# tip: Courier is Monospace, good for transferring ascii art/diagrams
class BackgroundBox(object):
def __init__(self, my_screen, globals):
self.screen = my_screen
self.globals = globals
self.HEIGHT = self.globals.HEIGHT
self.WIDTH = self.globals.WIDTH
self.box_w = self.WIDTH//4
self.box_h = self.HEIGHT//4
self.diff_box_w = (self.box_w//2 * 3)
self.diff_box_h = (self.box_h//2 * 3)
self.A = (0, 0)
self.B = (self.WIDTH, 0)
self.C = (0, self.HEIGHT)
self.D = (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
self.W = (self.box_w, self.box_h)
self.X = (self.box_w + self.diff_box_w, self.box_h)
self.Y = (self.box_w, self.box_h + self.diff_box_h)
self.Z = (self.box_w + self.diff_box_w, self.box_h + self.diff_box_h)
def draw_back(self):
globals base color = 150 a ligther grey with (150, 150, 150)
back rect will be positioned at self.W, with
width = self.diff_box_x
height = self.diff_box_y
pygame rect = (top left x, top left y, width, height) pg.draw.rect(screen/surface, color(R, G, B), (pygame rect), thickness/edge 0=fill)
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 70, color - 70, color - 70)
darker_light = (color - 20, color - 20, color - 20)
edge = 8 ######### should replace with globals
diff_edge = 5 ###### replace with globals and edge local variable
box_rect = (self.W[0], self.W[1], self.diff_box_w, self.diff_box_h)
inner_box = (self.W[0] + diff_edge, self.W[1] + diff_edge, self.diff_box_w - (diff_edge * 2), self.diff_box_h - (diff_edge * 2))
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, darker, box_rect, edge)
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, darker_light, inner_box, 0)
def draw_lines(self):
point A --> W (thicker)
point B --> X
point C --> Y (thicker)
point D --> Z
pygame draw line (screen/surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, width)
# currently not visible , Undecided how needed they are
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 70, color - 70, color - 70)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.A, self.W, 5)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.B, self.X, 3)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.C, self.Y, 5)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.D, self.Z, 3)
def color_walls(self):
""" create polygons for walls, coordinates in example
P1 = [A, W, X, B] * below *
P2 = [A, C, Y, W]
P3 = [C, D, Z, Y]
P4 = [D, Z, X, B]
|A B|
| |
|W X|
pygame draw polygon (screen/surface, Points list (P1), thick/fill=0)
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 65, color - 65, color - 65)
lighter = (color - 75, color - 75, color - 75)
P1 = [self.A, self.W, self.X, self.B]
P2 = [self.A, self.C, self.Y, self.W]
P3 = [self.C, self.D, self.Z, self.Y]
P4 = [self.D, self.Z, self.X, self.B]
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, lighter, P1, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, darker, P2, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, lighter, P3, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, darker, P4, 0)
class PyDrawObjects(object):
def __init__(self, screen, globals):
self.screen = screen
self.globals = globals = BackgroundBox(self.screen, self.globals)
def run_objects(self):
def start_pygame():
""" start all pygame dependants return screen"""
pg.init() # Not sure the proper place to put this
globals = SkullGlobals()
screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
pg.display.set_caption(('Pygame Display'))
animation_timer = pg.time.Clock()
return screen, animation_timer
def pygame_loop():
The loop that will run drawing and responding to events
# pg.init() could go here instead of in the start_pygame()
globals = SkullGlobals()
w = globals.WIDTH
h = globals.HEIGHT
screen, timer = start_pygame()
back_drop = PyDrawObjects(screen, globals)
running = True
while running:
timer.tick(60) ## WITHOUT TIMER < MY CPU runs as fast as it can >!!!!
events = pg.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
I'll get the new code into a new post when I'm done with the experiment.
I hope I explain it well, My plan is to try and incorporate some kind of 3D effect with old fashioned art known as Forced Perspective.
I definitely need some more research to how it's accomplished, I only really know of what I learned in 10th grade art class, and that was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. (This works as a reference to when Jurrasic Park came out too!)
It's slightly off center on purpose.
Here's the code: enjoy, explore, have fun!
As always, drop me a comment, improvements, critiques and hero worship are welcomed. (Or tell me some python jokes, those are fun)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame as pg
from sys import exit
from time import sleep
class SkullGlobals(object):
""" class container for globally used variables """
def __init__(self):
self.WIDTH = 800
self.HEIGHT = 800
self.CENTER_SCREEN_X = 0 + self.WIDTH//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_Y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//12
self.CENTER_SCREEN_H = self.HEIGHT - self.HEIGHT//6
self.CENTER_SCREEN_W = self.WIDTH - self.WIDTH//6
self.background_color = (110, 100, 110)
self.BLUE = (40, 60, 200)
self.LBLUE = (100, 100, 255)
self.BORDER = (self.WIDTH + self.HEIGHT)//200
self.left_y = 0 + self.HEIGHT//100
self.left_x = 0 + self.WIDTH//100
self.right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.left_y
self.right_x = self.WIDTH - self.left_x
self.small_height = self.left_y * 5
self.small_width = self.left_x * 10
self.left_upper_y = 0 + (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.left_upper_x = 0 + (self.WIDTH//10)
self.left_upper_right_y = self.HEIGHT - self.BORDER
self.right_lower_x = self.WIDTH - (self.WIDTH//10)
self.right_lower_y = self.HEIGHT - (self.HEIGHT//10)
self.CENTER = (self.WIDTH//2, self.HEIGHT//2)
self.FULL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//4 + self.HEIGHT//4)//2
self.SMALL_SIZE = (self.WIDTH//50 + self.HEIGHT//50)//2
self.RED = (230, 50, 50)
self.GREEN = (50, 230, 50)
self.D_WHITE = (200,200,200)
self.base_color = 150
self.menu_bar_color = (90, 100, 80)
############ background coordinates chart #########
polygon sides = P1, P2, P3, P4
|A \ [P1] // B |
| \ // |
| W---------X |
| | | |
| [P2] | | [P4] |
| Y_________Z |
| // \ |
|C // [P3] \ D |
# tip: Courier is Monospace, good for transferring ascii art/diagrams
class BackgroundBox(object):
def __init__(self, my_screen, globals):
self.screen = my_screen
self.globals = globals
self.HEIGHT = self.globals.HEIGHT
self.WIDTH = self.globals.WIDTH
self.box_w = self.WIDTH//4
self.box_h = self.HEIGHT//4
self.diff_box_w = (self.box_w//2 * 3)
self.diff_box_h = (self.box_h//2 * 3)
self.A = (0, 0)
self.B = (self.WIDTH, 0)
self.C = (0, self.HEIGHT)
self.D = (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
self.W = (self.box_w, self.box_h)
self.X = (self.box_w + self.diff_box_w, self.box_h)
self.Y = (self.box_w, self.box_h + self.diff_box_h)
self.Z = (self.box_w + self.diff_box_w, self.box_h + self.diff_box_h)
def draw_back(self):
globals base color = 150 a ligther grey with (150, 150, 150)
back rect will be positioned at self.W, with
width = self.diff_box_x
height = self.diff_box_y
pygame rect = (top left x, top left y, width, height) pg.draw.rect(screen/surface, color(R, G, B), (pygame rect), thickness/edge 0=fill)
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 70, color - 70, color - 70)
darker_light = (color - 20, color - 20, color - 20)
edge = 8 ######### should replace with globals
diff_edge = 5 ###### replace with globals and edge local variable
box_rect = (self.W[0], self.W[1], self.diff_box_w, self.diff_box_h)
inner_box = (self.W[0] + diff_edge, self.W[1] + diff_edge, self.diff_box_w - (diff_edge * 2), self.diff_box_h - (diff_edge * 2))
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, darker, box_rect, edge)
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, darker_light, inner_box, 0)
def draw_lines(self):
point A --> W (thicker)
point B --> X
point C --> Y (thicker)
point D --> Z
pygame draw line (screen/surface, color, start_pos, end_pos, width)
# currently not visible , Undecided how needed they are
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 70, color - 70, color - 70)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.A, self.W, 5)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.B, self.X, 3)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.C, self.Y, 5)
pg.draw.line(self.screen, darker, self.D, self.Z, 3)
def color_walls(self):
""" create polygons for walls, coordinates in example
P1 = [A, W, X, B] * below *
P2 = [A, C, Y, W]
P3 = [C, D, Z, Y]
P4 = [D, Z, X, B]
|A B|
| |
|W X|
pygame draw polygon (screen/surface, Points list (P1), thick/fill=0)
color = self.globals.base_color
darker = (color - 65, color - 65, color - 65)
lighter = (color - 75, color - 75, color - 75)
P1 = [self.A, self.W, self.X, self.B]
P2 = [self.A, self.C, self.Y, self.W]
P3 = [self.C, self.D, self.Z, self.Y]
P4 = [self.D, self.Z, self.X, self.B]
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, lighter, P1, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, darker, P2, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, lighter, P3, 0)
pg.draw.polygon(self.screen, darker, P4, 0)
class PyDrawObjects(object):
def __init__(self, screen, globals):
self.screen = screen
self.globals = globals = BackgroundBox(self.screen, self.globals)
def run_objects(self):
def start_pygame():
""" start all pygame dependants return screen"""
pg.init() # Not sure the proper place to put this
globals = SkullGlobals()
screen = pg.display.set_mode((globals.WIDTH, globals.HEIGHT))
pg.display.set_caption(('Pygame Display'))
animation_timer = pg.time.Clock()
return screen, animation_timer
def pygame_loop():
The loop that will run drawing and responding to events
# pg.init() could go here instead of in the start_pygame()
globals = SkullGlobals()
w = globals.WIDTH
h = globals.HEIGHT
screen, timer = start_pygame()
back_drop = PyDrawObjects(screen, globals)
running = True
while running:
timer.tick(60) ## WITHOUT TIMER < MY CPU runs as fast as it can >!!!!
events = pg.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
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