bubbles pygame collision shading 2D

I'm sure I'll alter this a ton more times, but here's a video of the pygame code I wrote,  below it is the code.  It's on Github, use it, have fun!  Color pallette should be easy to manipulate. Just remember no negative values, and max is 255 for RGB in the (R, G, B) tuple.

Code:   bubbles.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pygame as pg

(width, height) = (800, 800)
background_color = (90, 100, 110)

screen = pg.display.set_mode((width, height))
animation_timer = pg.time.Clock()

class Bubble(object):

    def __init__(self, my_screen, R,G,B, pos_x, pos_y, radius, thickness, speed):
        self.my_screen = my_screen
        self.pos_x = pos_x
        self.pos_y = pos_y
        self.R = R
        self.G = G
        self.B = B
        self.radius = radius
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.speed_y = speed
        self.speed_x = speed
        self.y_charge = 1
        self.x_charge = 1

    def alter_y(self, aninteger):
        if type(aninteger) != int:
            message = "alter_y(aninteger) for class Bubble: aninteger must be type int."
            raise TypeError(message)

            charge = self.y_charge
            self.pos_y += (aninteger * charge)

    def alter_x(self, aninteger):
        if type(aninteger) != int:
            message = "alter_x(aninteger) for class Bubble: aninteger must be type int."
            raise TypeError(message)

            charge = self.x_charge
            self.pos_x += (aninteger * charge)

    def move_bubble(self):
        dark = (self.R - 5, self.G - 5, self.B - 5)
        light = (self.R + 5, self.G + 5, self.B + 5)
        pre_shine = (self.R + 6, self.G + 6, self.B + 8)
        shine = (self.R + 8, self.G + 8, self.B + 10)
        color = (self.R, self.G, self.B)

        pg.draw.circle(screen, (dark), (self.pos_x + 5, self.pos_y + 5), self.radius, self.thickness)
        pg.draw.circle(screen, (color), (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), self.radius, self.thickness)
        pg.draw.circle(screen, (light), (self.pos_x, self.pos_y -2), self.radius - 5, self.thickness)
        pg.draw.circle(screen, (pre_shine), (self.pos_x, self.pos_y), self.radius//2, self.thickness)
        pg.draw.circle(screen, (shine), (self.pos_x - 5, self.pos_y -1), self.radius//5, self.thickness)

        self.pos_x += self.speed_x
        self.pos_y += self.speed_y

    def bubble_collide(self):
        smallest = height
        if height < width:
            smallest = width
        max_rad = smallest // 40
        rad_change = smallest // 100
        diff_x = self.radius * self.x_charge
        diff_y = self.radius * self.y_charge
        if self.pos_x + diff_x >= width or self.pos_x + diff_x <= 0:
            #print("bubble collide on x")
            self.speed_x = self.speed_x * -1
            self.x_charge = self.x_charge * -1
            if self.radius < height//4 or self.radius < width//4:
                self.radius += rad_change
                self.radius = max_rad
            return True

        if self.pos_y + diff_y >= height or self.pos_y + diff_y <= 0:
            #print("bubble collide on y")
            self.speed_y = self.speed_y * -1
            self.y_charge = self.y_charge * -1
            if self.radius < height//3 or self.radius < width//3:
                self.radius += 10
                self.radius = 50
            return True

        return False

#####  end of class Bubbles ####

def new_bubble(x_pos, y_pos, radius):
    change_x = 1 * radius
    change_y = 1 * radius
    # leave wiggle room for shading effect when bubble is created
    # max of a (R, G, B) attribute is 255

    x = 90
    y = 90
    z = 90
    base_clr = 0
    place = radius * 2

    if x_pos - place <= 0:
        x += 50
    elif x_pos + place >= width:
        change_x = change_x * -1
        y += 20
    if y_pos + place >= height:
        change_y = change_y * -1
    elif y_pos - place <= 0:
        z += 50
        y += 20

    newx = x_pos + change_x
    newy = y_pos + change_y
    R = base_clr + x
    G = base_clr + y
    B = base_clr + z

    color = (base_clr + x, base_clr + y,  base_clr + z)
    new_bubble = Bubble(screen, R,G,B, newx, newy, 50, 0, 3)
    return new_bubble

running = True

#Light Blue tuple:
red = 100
green = 100
blue = 230
bubble = Bubble(screen, red, green, blue, 20, 20, 50, 0, 10)
alist = [bubble]

while running:
    #shadow = pg.Surface(800, 800)
    #pg.Surface.blit(shadow, screen, BLEND_RGB)

    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
            running = False
    add_bubble = False
    for bubbles in alist:

        if bubbles == bubble:
            if bubble.bubble_collide():
                if len(alist) < 200:
                    #print("creating new bubble --> collision")
                    newbubble = new_bubble(bubbles.pos_x, bubbles.pos_y, bubbles.radius)
                    newbubble.x_charge = bubble.x_charge
                    newbubble.y_charge = bubble.y_charge
                    newbubble.speed_x = bubble.x_charge * newbubble.speed_x
                    newbubble.speed_y = bubble.y_charge * newbubble.speed_y
                    if len(alist) % 2:
                    add_bubble = True

            #print("newbubble collide")

    if add_bubble:
        # print statements to see size as it goes:
        # I changed the code so it stays at size 200, but think I will make
        # it delete 100 bubbles from end of list, so it can add 100 more. 
        print("alist size =============", len(alist))
    if len(alist) > 200:
        # checking if del alist[:]
        # is a safer way to keep memory build up
        # python garbage collects, but I don't trust it
        # memory usage seems very slim... trying bigger list of bubbles

        # it feels safer to leave this in, despite limiting the size to 200
        del alist[:]
        #print("**********deleting alist[:]**********")
        alist = [bubble]



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