Something to do while I wait on Doctor Who

Got some more fix's for my DLList done.  I wasn't going to touch any code for the holidays... but the kids are all busy playing with gifts, and everyone else is off socializing. 

I'm waiting patiently for the Doctor Who Christmas special.....  <  so so... calmly waiting >.... 
A female Doctor Who!!!!! ARE YOU FRICKEN KIDDING ME! I'M going to lose my mind I'm so excited.  I'm not a super fan, but seriously, my dad had me watching doctor who when I was a kid and it was on the public broadcasting service channel.....

So,  I got the  set_sides() into my swap_left()  and I got the swap_left() doing the swapping of when there is only a begin and end node in the list.   

I think the reason it was all getting rejected before was because my quicksort was so wonky, that I kept trying to give it nodes that didn't exist. 
I am going to still try and get that version of the quicksort working too, now that I have that nifty little piece of code that Zed had,  the little 'get_node'.  I think that's all that was holding me up.  Then seriously time to move on in the class book.  Next up is dictionaries!!! Afraid to peek ahead at that one. 

Ok,  so putting the updates in the old blog post, for "complete: Doubly Linked List"
Here's to all the amazing British arts in this world that keep things interesting.  Cheers! And about bloody time!!!


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