I was working on figuring out while loops for an exercise in LearnJavaScriptTheHardWay by Zed Shaw, and I decided to do this: The red text console.logs were for debugging, and will take over the animation if the comments are removed. The bold red number is the point at which the loop stops. My CPU didn't have too much trouble with that large number, but I'd recommend dialing it down if your CPU is slow. Also if your CPU is really fast, you'll have to change the pause to something much lower to see the animation better. That too is in a loop, so the more that pause happens, the more loops your CPU is running. Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9006988/node-js-on-windows-how-to-clear-console To clear screen as described in link above, uncomment the bold purple comment I tried to comment the code to help learners see what I did, any comments or suggestions, feel free to drop em in! ...
Screenshot of the code a 10 by 10 matrix Update 5/11/2021 I have successfully used the matrix to create a Snake game in Angular. See the live (Desktop only) game here: Firebase Deploy of Angular S N A K E Update 3/23/2021: I have changed the live version of the game to dynamically create the map for the minesweeper and this allowed for many open windows as to how I can upgrade and add onto the game. The easy version of the game allows people to learn and see how to form a strategy to defeat the original version of the game. There are sounds and options for game type and game size. Click on the options to turn the sound off if loud noises startle you as losing the games results in an explosion noise. Below is the link to the game, hosted on GitHub, and a GitHub link if you'd like to fork the code. Live Game: http...
A parent, is apparent is a parent. First let me say that I know every situation is unique, and we are human. Situations can be so massively diverse, that what I say in this post may only apply a tiny bit, if at all. We all have singular experiences and nothing can be truly universal, especially when it comes to parenting. Because: Now it's not just one human experience. It's another, one (or more) that a parent is exclusively responsible for. Especially a single/only parent. I don't want to say that having a co-parent makes things easier, but.... IT DOES. I don't want to say that being an only/single parent is harder, but .... IT IS. Me and my siblings were raised by a single parent. Me and my sister are single/only parents currently. Maybe jealousy has a hand in this. I see two parent's handling problems, and everyday challenges with their child(ren) and I want so badly to have a person to shoulder that with me. But again, there ...
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