
Started my next lesson on dictionaries in the LMPTHW... 
Its so much to learn.   I had to ask some questions today, and while I had a lot explained to me I still was left thinking... why in the world are we putting 256 Doubly Linked lists into a doubly linked list?  I understand that we don't want the data to be mutable, and that theres a big complicated thing with looking up data in the data storage so that the name lookup needs to be encoded with hash tables and stuff....

I could have kept asking questions, but it felt like I should go explore it on my own.  So I started to write a node to store a key and value.... then I was going to write a linked list to hold that.... and then write a dictionary from what Zed gave us in the book.  But my gremlins came back.  The node I wrote was just like the others,  but when I tried it out.... It wouldn't take parameters,  and it would ititialize without them...

WTH.....  I even made another just like it with different names.... it worked..... copied my DLLNode....  it worked.... 

I swear to goodness.  The gremlins in my computer.  Or I'm going mad.  Either way, time to walk away from this thing and take a break.  Here's what I did.  What the hell??

Found it...................................................

class Something(object):

    def __init__(self, top, bottom, shoes):
        self.top = top
        self.bottom = bottom
        self.shoes = shoes

class DicaNode(object):

    def __inti__(self, name, value, link):
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        self.link = link

class DLLNode(object):
    # I changed the order so that it would be easier to visualize
    # and easier to keep track of.
    def __init__(self, prev, value, nxt):
        # the first node will have no next or previous
        self.value = value
        self.next = nxt
        # previous

#nope = DLLNode() #would not initialize without parameters
#what = Something() # would not initialize without parameters

hair = DicaNode() # would only initialize if given NO parameters.


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