refactor Python Binary Tree

I have an older post where I posted this code, but I wanted to explain my 'delete' method in more detail.

Take a look at this: [alt attribute attached]

With any node, the left branch and right branch will decend until they hit the parent node's value and at that point is the termination of how far that node's branches can extend inward.  This is a drawing of that concept.

This depicts how at some point, depending on which side of a node you are on, there is a limit to how far a branch can reach.
'A' would be the Left child node of 'H', and the farthest it's right branches can reach is to 'H'.   Anything more than H, is on the other child node on the right.

Likewise, for child node 'Z',  it's left most branches have the same limit of 'H'.  Because all other smaller/lesser than keys would go on the left child node.

At first I had my delete method throwing all right children onto the right branch of the left child  and replacing the parent node with that modified left child.
But then I realized: [alt in image]

If a branch extended outward from a parent nodes value, the reach could be limitless on a more than / right root node branch, and if negatives were a factor, it could be limitless on a less than / left branch of a node.

The right most branch of the right side of root has limitless potential.  It is not restricted in any way by the median for how long/large it can get.
Same with the left most branch of the left side of root.  Unless you aren't dealing with negative numbers, or numbers as keys, than this too can grow to negative infinity.  It has no termination point.

I went back and hacked a few more pieces together for my Binary Tree's delete so that all nodes being deleted on the Left side of root, if they had two children nodes that needed modified and moved around, would deal with travelling the most likely shortest path to an empty slot which would be the limited side of a left root branch... It's right 'more than' child branches.
Same with the Right side of the root node.  It's limited branches would be the ones traveling, left, or 'less than'.  So moving a node to an empty slot there would be the fastest.

It may be of no real significant time difference to make the delete method travel faster, but I'm learning, and this helped me learn a ton about Binary Tree's.
I am going to put the Binary Tree and pytest on github:

The code once again:
#######   Nellie's python Binary Tree ############

--Start Code Block--

#randint is for tests , is unnecessary  for Tree to work

 from random import randint

""" PRIMARY BRANCH :  The first branch from the root_node
 that either points to a left, or right node. Root Node
 pointers need to be changed if a primary is being deleted.
 LEAF: Leaves are nodes with no children, left=None, right=None
 Can simple replaced with 'None'
 On the left side of the root, the right branch "greater than"
 will terminate as it reaches the same value as root_nodes key.
 On the right side of root, the left branch "less than" will terminate
 as it approaches the value as root_nodes key.
 Right sides "greater than" branch can become limitless,
 and likewise Left sides "less than" can be potentially limitless<
 depending on if a key value can be negative, or go below 0.
 So the best option when placing child nodes is to find the last
 node of a branch that we know has to terminate.  Otherwise, we might
 be searching through a very large branch to find the last node.

class BinaryTreeNode(object):
    def __init__(self, key, value, left, right):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    def __repr__(self):
        nleft = self.left and self.left.value or None
        nright = self.right and self.right.value or None
        return f"{nleft} <--- ( {self.key} : {self.value} ) ---> {nright}"

class BinaryTree(object):

    def __init__(self, median):
        self.median = median
        self.root_node = BinaryTreeNode(self.median, 'binary_root_node', None, None)
        self._size = 0

    def set(self, akey, value):

            find proper placement in the tree for the given key:value pair
            *replace value if key exists
            *add node when in the proper place
             Node = [((key)), ((value)), ((left)) 'less than', ((right)) 'greater than']

        if akey < self.median:
            # key is less then root, go left
            east = self.root_node.left

            if not east:
                # east == None
                #  [None<---- newnode _---> None][<--left-- root --right-->]
                newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                self.root_node.left = newnode
                self._size += 1

                #east branch (possible parent) exists

                while east:
                    # if akey exists, replace value
                    if akey == east.key:
                        east.value = value
                    elif east.key < akey:
                        # if akey is greater, go right
                        if east.right == None:
                            # dead end, place node
                            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                            east.right = newnode
                            self._size += 1
                            #Not a dead end continue
                            east = east.right

                        # akey is less then branch key
                        if east.left == None:
                            #dead end place node
                            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                            east.left = newnode
                            self._size += 1
                            #not a dead end continue
                            east = east.left

        if akey > self.median:
            west = self.root_node.right
            if not west:
                # [<---- root --right-->][None<---- newnode _---> None]
                # West branch is empty, place node
                newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                self.root_node.right = newnode
                self._size += 1

                # west branch is not empty, search for placement
                while west:
                    if akey == west.key:
                        west.value = value
                    elif west.key < akey:
                        if west.right == None:
                            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                            west.right = newnode
                            self._size += 1
                            west = west.right
                        if west.left == None:
                            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(akey, value, None, None)
                            west.left = newnode
                            self._size += 1
                            west = west.left

    def get(self, akey):
        node = self.root_node
        if akey < self.median:
            node = node.left
            while node:
                if akey == node.key:
                    return node.value
                    if akey < node.key:
                        node = node.left
                        node = node.right
            node = node.right
            while node:
                if akey == node.key:
                    return node.value
                    if akey < node.key:
                        node = node.left
                        node = node.right

    def _find_bottom_left(self, node, newleaf):
        We want the left most leaf of a the node's PRIMARY
        right branch.
        # change this to recurrsion when able
        while node != None:
          if node.left == None:
              node.left = newleaf
              node = node.left

    def _find_bottom_right(self, node, newleaf):
        We want the right most leaf of a the node's PRIMARY
        left branch.
        # change this to recurrsion when able
        while node != None:
          if node.right == None:
              node.right = newleaf
              node = node.right

#######  main method for the delete process ######
    def _delete_node(self, node, primaryleft=False, primaryright=False):
        return the replacement node, and wether or not the node is
        the primary branch of the root_node
        root_node primaries are changed in this function
        #print('activating _delete_node(node)')
        root_left = self.root_node.left
        root_right = self.root_node.right
        primary_branch = False
        # check if it is LEAF
        # LEAF's do not need the limited branch involved

############ NO child nodes #############
        if node.right == None and node.left == None:
            #node_key = node.key
            #print("deleting LEAF: ", node_key)
            # check if it is a Primary Branch
            if node == root_left:
                self.root_node.left = None
                primary_branch = True
            elif node == root_right:
                self.root_node.right = None
                primary_branch = True
            # return None for all other replacements that are not primary branches
            # PRIMARY BRANCH LEAF is simply set to None in the Root_node
            return None, primary_branch
        # see which side has a child node

######## there is no right child ############
        elif node.right == None and node.left != None:
            #print("empty right child = ", node.key)
            # empty right node, left becomes replacement
            # Empty slots do not require limited or terminated branches
            replacement = node.left
            if node == root_left:
                self.root_node.left = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            elif node == root_right:
                self.root_node.right = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            return replacement, primary_branch

############### There is no left child ###########
        elif node.right != None and node.left == None:
            #print("empty left child = ", node.key)
            # empty left slot
            # limited branch not required empty slot
            replacement = node.right
            if node == root_left:
                self.root_node.left = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            elif node == root_right:
                self.root_node.right = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            return replacement, primary_branch

########  TWO child nodes are present #############
        elif primaryleft == True:
            # On the left of root, any left 'less than' branch can be
            # potentially limitless, so we want to traverse a right branch of the
            # left child, and place the right child there.
            right_key = node.right.key
            right_value = node.right.value
            if node.right.left != None:
                right_left = node.right.left
                right_left = None
            if node.right.right != None:
                right_right = node.right.right
                right_right = None
            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(right_key, right_value, right_left, right_right)
            left_branch = node.left
            # We are on the RIGHT branch.
            # find the bottom most right node of the left branch
            # move the right node down
            self._find_bottom_right(left_branch, newnode)
            replacement = node.left
            # Take care of PRIMARY branches, change root_nodes pointer
            # we are on the left branch of root
            if node == root_left:
                self.root_node.left = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            return replacement, primary_branch
        elif primaryright == True:
            #print("primaryright is True: ", node.key)
            # potentially limitless branch is anything traveling
            # right,  'more than'
            # traversing a left branch is safest, possible fastest
            left_key = node.left.key
            left_value = node.left.value
            if node.left.left != None:
                left_left = node.left.left
                left_left = None
            if node.left.right != None:
                left_right = node.left.right
                left_right = None
            newnode = BinaryTreeNode(left_key, left_value, left_left, left_right)
            right_branch = node.right
            # left PRIMARY branch, find the limited right branch bottom
            # place newnode (left child) there with _find_bottom_right()
            ### find LEAF node on the left most of the right node
            self._find_bottom_left(right_branch, newnode)
            replacement = node.right
            # We are on the right side of the root
            if node == root_right:
                self.root_node.right = replacement
                primary_branch = True
            return replacement, primary_branch
            #do nothing:
            node_type = type(node)
            print("else clause of delete node helper activated\n No conditions met")
            print("node type = ", node_type)
            raise ValueError

    def delete(self, akey):
        """Remove any key;Value from tree, and replace it with proper
           branch/parent  or leaf where necessary
           replacement nodes are given when applicable,
           they are modified to contain all branch leaves in _delete_node
           Primary branch Node, root left, root right are modified in _delete_node"""
        print(" -------delete called on\n\t\t", akey)
        if akey < self.median:
            east = self.root_node.left
            if not east:                # do nothing
                # if east branch does not exist, key does not exist
                #print('key not found: ', akey)
                return None
                #run loop to find node
                node = east
                current = node
                #print('else clause of delete activated less then median')
                while node != None:
                    #print('while loop -- EAST')
                    if node.key == akey:
                        newnode, primary = self._delete_node(node, primaryleft=True)
                        if newnode == None and primary == False:
                            # It is a leaf, simply make pointer None
                            if current.left == node:
                                current.left = None
                            if current.right == node:
                                current.right = None
                            self._size -= 1
                        elif newnode != None and primary == False:
                            # It has children, Not a leaf, and not a Primary
                            node.key = newnode.key
                            node.value = newnode.value
                            node.left = newnode.left
                            node.right = newnode.right
                            self._size -= 1
                        elif primary == True:
                            # this was a primary node branch
                            # _delete_node has replaced, removed necessary elements
                            self._size -= 1
                            print("else clause, while loop east of delete.")
                            #print('match found, nothing deleted')
                    elif node.key > akey:
                        #print("going left, node key is less then akey")
                        current = node
                        node = node.left
                        #print('going right, node key = ', node.key)
                        current = node
                        node = node.right

        if akey > self.median:
            west = self.root_node.right
            if not west:
                print("NO west branch:", node.key)
                # do nothing
                # if west branch does not exist, key does not exist
                return None
                #run loop to find node
                node = west
                current = node
                #print("WEST DELETE LOOP FOR:", node.key)
                #print('else clause of delete activated more then median')
                while node != None:
                    #print('while loop -- WEST')
                    if node.key == akey:
                        newnode, primary = self._delete_node(node, primaryright=True)
                        print("deleting a West node:", node.key)
                        if newnode == None and primary == False:
                            #print("deleting a West node:", node.key)
                            if current.left == node:
                                current.left = None
                            if current.right == node:
                                current.right = None
                            self._size -= 1
                        elif newnode != None and primary == False:
                            node.key = newnode.key
                            node.value = newnode.value
                            node.left = newnode.left
                            node.right = newnode.right
                            self._size -= 1
                        elif primary == True:
                            # this was a primary node branch
                            # _delete_node has replaced, removed necessary elements
                            print("primary :", node.key)
                            self._size -= 1
                            print('else clause in while loop West of delete.')
                            #print('match found, nothing deleted')
                    elif node.key > akey:
                        #print("going left, node key is greater then akey")
                        current = node
                        node = node.left
                    elif node.key < akey:
                        #print('going right, node key is less then akey')
                        current = node
                        node = node.right
                        print("\t\tnode not found!")

    def dump(self):
        west = self.root_node.right
        east = self.root_node.left
        if east:
            print(f"East branch: {east}")
            print("********** END EAST************")
        if west:
            print(f"West branch: {west}")
            print("********** END WEST************")
        if west == None and east == None:
            print("tree size =", self._size)

    def recursDump(self, branch):
        if branch == None:
            print(" ")
            left_child = branch.left
            right_child = branch.right
            if left_child:
            if right_child:
            return branch

    def count(self):
        trunk = self.root_node
        keyslist = []
        result = self.recurs_helper(trunk, keyslist)
        count = len(result)
        return count

    def make_key_list(self):
        # same as count different return
        trunk = self.root_node
        keyslist = []
        result = self.recurs_helper(trunk, keyslist)
        return result

    def recurs_helper(self, branch, alist):
        if branch == None:
            left_sprout = branch.left
            right_sprout = branch.right
            if left_sprout:
                self.list_add(left_sprout, alist)
            if right_sprout:
                self.list_add(right_sprout, alist)
            self.recurs_helper(left_sprout, alist)
            self.recurs_helper(right_sprout, alist)
            return alist

    def list_add(self, something, alist):
         if something:

--End Code Block--


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