npm nodejs and Linux

I use Linux, but I hope after student loans come in I can pick up a decent and cheap Microsoft laptop for the college classes.
Then the posts like this, I will attempt to have both systems included in the material. 

To be fair to Zed's book, he clearly tells us to watch the videos.  I don't understand it, but I just have such an aversion to watching videos rather then figuring stuff out on my own.  Watching someone else do it just takes the fun out of it.  So I'm sure all this was covered in the video, I may go back and see it once this is posted.  Otherwise I might be tempted to wipe the whole thing for feeling like an arse afterwards.

I was going through Zed Shaw's pre-release of Learn JavaScript the hard way, and an instruction said to install the 'readline-sync' through npm, but I kept getting this error:

So after finding a couple links that wanted me to check the .json files for dependencies,  *Which I do not know how to do yet*
I decided to try uninstalling it and installing it all again.
Almost always problems come from the wrong paths being followed by the CPU.

Helpful Links:

how to unistall nodejs:

-- $ sudo apt-get remove nodejs

Not so much needed for this project, but this site was helpful nonetheless.

Wickipedia link for npm-->
how to exit node,  googles, 'other things people search for'
> .exit

Forrrr pete's sakes.......

I thought npm was like python's pip.  Ok let me try this... one second

I removed npm and node, then:
$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
it all installed... takes a minute
Then tried to install readline-sync again.
At least the errors got more elaborate.

And then like I thought, well maybe those crazy warnings are just prudent work by the creators....  Let me see if node and readline are working.

So, whatever I did wrong the first few times, I guess were fixed by uninstalling, removing, and letting Linux install the two together.  I still have no idea why it says I'm using version 12 of node,  when I type :
$ node -v
I get version v8.10.0

and these warnings:

Part of the problem is I kept seeing the word 'WARN'  but my brain kept registering 'ERROR'.

I don't know enough yet...  but I believe all these files it's telling me I don't have, are ones I will create for future packages.  If I'm wrong, we'll find out later.

Hope to be posting some javascript soon!

If it ain't broke, well you didn't try pushing enough buttons yet.
-Nellie Tobey 2018


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