python simple finite state machine and logger

Doing another exercise from LMPTHW, and I'm enjoying it.
Only broke into Maximum recursion depth once so far.

Also I found this good article on logger, and I am really going to start using it from now on.  Just yeah.  It's not much work at all to put it in there.
---logger article:

So a picture of what my plan was going in:

And a picture of the code results in Command Prompt ( Bash ):

color codes link :
And I'm not sure I can explain well enough yet, but basically you're making a 'machine'  that transitions to a predetermined amount of settings -- states.
In my code, it's  the class's functions [ FSM_OFF, FSM_GO, FSM_GREEN, FSM_YELLOW, FSM_RED, FSM_BLINKING_RED, FSM_ERROR]

And the list of triggers/instructions to change the state are determined in each of those states.     **FSM_BLINKING_RED is still in progress, was trying to work out a way to tell it to loop a 'blink' event in the FSM_RED like a real traffic light would.  Which I can make happen, but without some kind of timer, it will just max out my recursion **

The DEBUG and De_Bug don't really do anything special yet, but they're there for future experiments.

List of instructions you can give it:
['DEBUG', 'ON', 'OFF', 'turn', 'blink']

Check it out.... My python Finite State Machine experiment.
import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TrafficLights(object):
    def __init__(self, De_Bug):
        self.De_Bug = De_Bug

    def FSM_OFF(self):

    def FSM_GO(self, event):
        if event == 'ON':
            return self.FSM_GREEN
        elif event == 'DEBUG':
            return self.FSM_ERROR
        elif event == 'OFF':
            return self.FSM_ERROR('OFF')

    def FSM_GREEN(self, event):
        # green does not have a blinking mode, so it goes to ERROR 
        # if it recieves anything but 'turn'
        green = "\u001b[32;1m"
        reset = "\u001b[0m"
        light = green + "GO GO GO" + reset
        if event == 'turn':
            return self.FSM_YELLOW
            current = "FSM_GREEN"
            return self.FSM_ERROR(event, current)

    def FSM_YELLOW(self, event):
        yellow ="\u001b[33;1m"
        reset = "\u001b[0m"
        light = yellow + "CAUTION" + reset
        if event == 'turn':
            return self.FSM_RED
        elif event == 'blink':
            print("blinking yellow")
            return self.FSM_YELLOW

            current = "FSM_YELLOW"
            return self.FSM_ERROR(event, current)

    def FSM_RED(self, event):
        red = "\u001b[31;1m"
        reset = "\u001b[0m"
        light = red + "STOP" + reset
        if event == 'turn':
            return self.FSM_GREEN
        elif event == 'blink':
            return self.FSM_RED
            current = "FSM_RED"
            return self.FSM_ERROR(event, current)

    def FSM_BLINKING_RED(self, event):
        #blinking = "\e[31m Blink \e[5m Error \e[0m"
        print("Blinking red light")
        if event == "DEBUG":
            # how would they test the lights without
            # having them on?

            print("DEBUG mode is on")
            return self.FSM_ERROR(event)
            return self.FSM_ERROR(event)

    def FSM_ERROR(self, event, current=None):
        if event != 'OFF':
  "ERROR was thrown in FiniteStateTrafficLight")
  "event = %s", event)
            if current != None and type(current) == str:
      "Error occured in:  %s", current)
  "Prompted to turn off by:  %s", event)

class TrafficLightHandler(object):

    def EVENT_HANDLER(self, instructions):
        # instructions will need to be a list of commands
        # Commands available :  ['ON', 'DEBUG', 'OFF', 'turn', 'blink' ]

       # # ----   this is probably where I should put the debugging handling ---- # #
        debug = False
        lights = TrafficLights(debug)
        event = 'ON'
        state = lights.FSM_GO(event)
        for instruction in instructions:
               state = state(instruction)
########## run with it!  It's not scissors it'll be ok #######
alist = ['turn', 'blink', 'turn', 'turn', 'turn', 'throw bug']
start = TrafficLightHandler()
